The story takes place in the bustling city of Beijing, where Zheng's mother (played by Pan Hong)'s husband passed away early. She alone pulled up her three daughters, Zheng Nannan (played by Zuo Xiaoqing), Zheng Tingting (played by Gao Lu), and Zheng Duoduo (played by Liu Yun). Seeing all three children find their ideal husband, they live a happy and beautiful life
The story takes place in the bustling city of Beijing, where Zheng's mother (played by Pan Hong)'s husband passed away early. She alone pulled up her three daughters, Zheng Nannan (played by Zuo Xiaoqing), Zheng Tingting (played by Gao Lu), and Zheng Duoduo (played by Liu Yun). Seeing all three children find their ideal husband, they live a happy and beautiful life