"You Sound Sweet" for the first time focuses on the voice acting industry, with newcomer Xia Xiaoning (played by Sun Yining) as the starting point. It tells the story of her hidden identity as a hidden expert in the industry, Gu Chenyu (played by Zhao Zhiwei), who recruited her as an assistant. Due to the unequal information between the two, a series of misunderstandings were caused, but it also made Xia Xiaoning laugh and laugh
"You Sound Sweet" for the first time focuses on the voice acting industry, with newcomer Xia Xiaoning (played by Sun Yining) as the starting point. It tells the story of her hidden identity as a hidden expert in the industry, Gu Chenyu (played by Zhao Zhiwei), who recruited her as an assistant. Due to the unequal information between the two, a series of misunderstandings were caused, but it also made Xia Xiaoning laugh and laugh