Recently, the rural women's inspirational light comedy "Women in Government 2", directed by renowned director Ying Ning and starring new and old powerful stars and comedians such as Yan Xuejing, Ying Da, Zhang Dajing, Gong Hanlin, Zhang Haiyan, Liu Liu, Li Daqiang, and Yu Lihong, is currently being intensively filmed in Liaoning. Played the role of Li Ya in the first film "Women in Government"
Recently, the rural women's inspirational light comedy "Women in Government 2", directed by renowned director Ying Ning and starring new and old powerful stars and comedians such as Yan Xuejing, Ying Da, Zhang Dajing, Gong Hanlin, Zhang Haiyan, Liu Liu, Li Daqiang, and Yu Lihong, is currently being intensively filmed in Liaoning. Played the role of Li Ya in the first film "Women in Government"