This drama tells the story of a group of young college students, including Gu Yanluo and Ye Weimian, who encounter love and friendship on their growth path, and realize their youthful dreams with each other's companionship and encouragement. Cold faced school grass Gu Yanluo (played by Luo Zheng) and ghost horse girl Ye Weimian (played by Ji Meihan) meet through an awkward encounter, and the two fall into a trap of fate
This drama tells the story of a group of young college students, including Gu Yanluo and Ye Weimian, who encounter love and friendship on their growth path, and realize their youthful dreams with each other's companionship and encouragement. Cold faced school grass Gu Yanluo (played by Luo Zheng) and ghost horse girl Ye Weimian (played by Ji Meihan) meet through an awkward encounter, and the two fall into a trap of fate