A 20-year-old girl named Chang Letian, whose parents divorced since childhood, lives with her grandparents in a courtyard house. Her grandparents passed away due to an accident, leaving her alone in the courtyard house of Nuo University. Zhu Ziming, who has always made a living as a real estate agent, aimed at the business opportunity of subletting a quadrangle courtyard and rented it from Chang Lotte at a low price to become a second landlord, and then took over the quadrangle courtyard
A 20-year-old girl named Chang Letian, whose parents divorced since childhood, lives with her grandparents in a courtyard house. Her grandparents passed away due to an accident, leaving her alone in the courtyard house of Nuo University. Zhu Ziming, who has always made a living as a real estate agent, aimed at the business opportunity of subletting a quadrangle courtyard and rented it from Chang Lotte at a low price to become a second landlord, and then took over the quadrangle courtyard