"If That's the Case" is a weekly comedy adapted by Dapeng Studio, exclusively imported by Sohu Video with the original copyright of the international Emmy Award winning "What If"! Produced by Dapeng, starring Alan and Zhang Xiaofei, with numerous star talents including Cui Zhijia, Yi Yunhe, Liang Long, Sun Yue, Li Jing, Wang Shuangbao, and Baduo joining in
"If That's the Case" is a weekly comedy adapted by Dapeng Studio, exclusively imported by Sohu Video with the original copyright of the international Emmy Award winning "What If"! Produced by Dapeng, starring Alan and Zhang Xiaofei, with numerous star talents including Cui Zhijia, Yi Yunhe, Liang Long, Sun Yue, Li Jing, Wang Shuangbao, and Baduo joining in