The story takes place in Kowloon City in the late 1950s. The fathers of Zuo Gou Quan (played by Chen Zhanpeng) and Duan Yingfeng (played by Yuan Weihao) are both renowned masters of Baji Quan. Little did they know that a conspiracy led to Duan Yingfeng losing his father, while Zuo Gou Quan's father became a murderer and committed suicide with injustice. Zuo Gou Quan and his sister also died as a result
The story takes place in Kowloon City in the late 1950s. The fathers of Zuo Gou Quan (played by Chen Zhanpeng) and Duan Yingfeng (played by Yuan Weihao) are both renowned masters of Baji Quan. Little did they know that a conspiracy led to Duan Yingfeng losing his father, while Zuo Gou Quan's father became a murderer and committed suicide with injustice. Zuo Gou Quan and his sister also died as a result