Minnan language (alternate name for Minnan dialect)
"Rainy Night Flower" is a tragic story created by Deng Yuxian, the father of Taiwanese folk songs, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. The content describes a simple rural girl who falls into the dust in pursuit of love. The drama is named "Rainy Night Flower" because the female protagonists Wang Guizhu (played by Zhang Benyu) and Liu Yuegui (played by Sun Shumei) in the drama have similarities with the female characters in the song
"Rainy Night Flower" is a tragic story created by Deng Yuxian, the father of Taiwanese folk songs, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. The content describes a simple rural girl who falls into the dust in pursuit of love. The drama is named "Rainy Night Flower" because the female protagonists Wang Guizhu (played by Zhang Benyu) and Liu Yuegui (played by Sun Shumei) in the drama have similarities with the female characters in the song