The story takes place at Beiyuzhi High School, where Kumiko Huang (voiced by Akira Kurosawa) has just entered the campus and is filled with longing for the unknown high school life. Kato Yoshiyuki (voiced by Asai Caika) is a classmate of Kumiko. Under Yoshiyuki's strong persuasion, Kumiko, who has a soft ear, joined with half effort and half effort
The story takes place at Beiyuzhi High School, where Kumiko Huang (voiced by Akira Kurosawa) has just entered the campus and is filled with longing for the unknown high school life. Kato Yoshiyuki (voiced by Asai Caika) is a classmate of Kumiko. Under Yoshiyuki's strong persuasion, Kumiko, who has a soft ear, joined with half effort and half effort