The film mainly tells the story of a sudden water monster cannibalistic incident in the Qujiang Pond in Chang'an City. Xue Yang (played by Li Yan), the Qing of Dali Temple, and Shangguan Yu (played by Xu Dongdong), the tombstone, are ordered to investigate the truth of the murder case. During their investigation, the two individuals discovered a large number of scattered skeletons and human bones at the bottom of the Qujiang Pond, among which there was a hidden issue related to the stability of the court
The film mainly tells the story of a sudden water monster cannibalistic incident in the Qujiang Pond in Chang'an City. Xue Yang (played by Li Yan), the Qing of Dali Temple, and Shangguan Yu (played by Xu Dongdong), the tombstone, are ordered to investigate the truth of the murder case. During their investigation, the two individuals discovered a large number of scattered skeletons and human bones at the bottom of the Qujiang Pond, among which there was a hidden issue related to the stability of the court