In Green Vine City, China, game studio owner Yu Hai (played by Zhu Yawen) was suddenly divested by investor Shen Hui (played by Liu Yijun). Shen Hui's coldness made Yu Hai dissatisfied. Yu Hai unexpectedly meets Lu Jie (played by Jin Chen), the illegitimate daughter of Shen Hui. The two conspire to commit a "kidnapping" with the intention of retaliating against Shen Hui, but in the process, they fall in love
In Green Vine City, China, game studio owner Yu Hai (played by Zhu Yawen) was suddenly divested by investor Shen Hui (played by Liu Yijun). Shen Hui's coldness made Yu Hai dissatisfied. Yu Hai unexpectedly meets Lu Jie (played by Jin Chen), the illegitimate daughter of Shen Hui. The two conspire to commit a "kidnapping" with the intention of retaliating against Shen Hui, but in the process, they fall in love