小日向文世北村匠海佐久间由衣富田望生福原遥佐藤仁美浅见姬香矢本悠马洼冢俊介三浦贵大杉野遥亮和田正人光石研户塚纯贵冈崎纱绘小林薰工藤阿须加葵若菜古畑星夏村井良大上白石萌歌川口春奈高月彩良滨田岳高桥瞳松本真里香大岛优子榊英雄木村拓哉三浦翔平嘉岛陆明石家秋刀鱼重冈大毅味方良介真荣田乡敦目黑莲Higuchi Chennai
Japanese Drama
Kou Nakae
Total of 2 Episode
#Takuya Kimura has decided to lead the production of a sequel to the Japanese drama SP "Shojo" titled "Shojo 2" (tentative title), which will be aired in the Chinese New Year of 2021! The TV series "Teaching Field" aired in early 2020 is adapted from the novel of the same name by Hiroki Nagagawa. It is an entertainment mystery drama set at the police academy known as the "Teaching Field". Wood
#Takuya Kimura has decided to lead the production of a sequel to the Japanese drama SP "Shojo" titled "Shojo 2" (tentative title), which will be aired in the Chinese New Year of 2021! The TV series "Teaching Field" aired in early 2020 is adapted from the novel of the same name by Hiroki Nagagawa. It is an entertainment mystery drama set at the police academy known as the "Teaching Field". Wood