Both middle-aged people born under the sign of Aquarius, Hiroshi Ito (played by Yuji Kuroda), and high school student Kaga Kuroda (played by Tsuyoshi Ikamatsu), are experiencing their lowest moments in life. Ito, who is diligent and hardworking, serves as the head of an insurance company. He diligently completes his work, but is always subjected to various pressures from his superiors, and has infinite frustration in his heart. black
Both middle-aged people born under the sign of Aquarius, Hiroshi Ito (played by Yuji Kuroda), and high school student Kaga Kuroda (played by Tsuyoshi Ikamatsu), are experiencing their lowest moments in life. Ito, who is diligent and hardworking, serves as the head of an insurance company. He diligently completes his work, but is always subjected to various pressures from his superiors, and has infinite frustration in his heart. black