During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, a beautiful and dignified girl named Xia Ziwei (played by Hai Lu) and a maid named Jin Suo (played by Sun Yaoqi) arrived in the capital from Daming Lake in Jinan. They were beaten up for intercepting the sedan ride of Emperor Liang from the ancestral mansion on the street. Xiao Yanzi (played by Li Sheng) and the Liu siblings, who were performing in the market, helped each other by drawing swords and thus formed a relationship with Ziwei
During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, a beautiful and dignified girl named Xia Ziwei (played by Hai Lu) and a maid named Jin Suo (played by Sun Yaoqi) arrived in the capital from Daming Lake in Jinan. They were beaten up for intercepting the sedan ride of Emperor Liang from the ancestral mansion on the street. Xiao Yanzi (played by Li Sheng) and the Liu siblings, who were performing in the market, helped each other by drawing swords and thus formed a relationship with Ziwei