Naoto Takahashi (played by Tenyin Okayama) is a formal employee of a bento chain company. He finds it difficult to be a good person between his boss Morita (played by Yukawa Yuki) and part-time colleagues such as Chengmei, and he has to handle various documents alone and work overtime a lot. I was thinking about resigning in my heart, but because my dad (played by Kenichi Endo) put pressure on me, I didn't do it
Naoto Takahashi (played by Tenyin Okayama) is a formal employee of a bento chain company. He finds it difficult to be a good person between his boss Morita (played by Yukawa Yuki) and part-time colleagues such as Chengmei, and he has to handle various documents alone and work overtime a lot. I was thinking about resigning in my heart, but because my dad (played by Kenichi Endo) put pressure on me, I didn't do it