Takagi Kazuko (played by Kimura Kano), who works as a bookstore manager, experiences a family upheaval during his teenage years and is forced to separate from his younger brother. Many years later, today, her younger brother Asano Shou (played by Nakamura Cang) lives a simple and happy life with her adoptive father (played by Osamu Lian), while her son silently blesses her younger brother from a distance.
Takagi Kazuko (played by Kimura Kano), who works as a bookstore manager, experiences a family upheaval during his teenage years and is forced to separate from his younger brother. Many years later, today, her younger brother Asano Shou (played by Nakamura Cang) lives a simple and happy life with her adoptive father (played by Osamu Lian), while her son silently blesses her younger brother from a distance.