The story of "Magic Gambling Boat" takes place on an international gambling boat, which is cruising on the high seas and is exclusively used for international gambling, creating a tense and mysterious atmosphere. Actor Eric Tsang and Empress Li Lizhen, along with Zhang Sangyue, Wang Congxi, and Huang Yuetong, co star in the story of three strangers who meet on this gambling boat, sparking a unique adventure in the gambling industry
The story of "Magic Gambling Boat" takes place on an international gambling boat, which is cruising on the high seas and is exclusively used for international gambling, creating a tense and mysterious atmosphere. Actor Eric Tsang and Empress Li Lizhen, along with Zhang Sangyue, Wang Congxi, and Huang Yuetong, co star in the story of three strangers who meet on this gambling boat, sparking a unique adventure in the gambling industry