The story takes place during the era when Southern Song, Jin, and Western Xia coexisted. As the seventh prince of Western Xia, Li Chunhong (Hong Qi) was not skilled in literature and martial arts, but was skilled in cooking and enjoyed delicious food. Sent by his father Emperor Li Renxiao to study Han ethnic culture in the Southern Song Dynasty, he was unexpectedly intercepted by the eldest prince Li Chunba on the way and lost his memory. He came with his life-saving benefactor, Miss Qingyan
The story takes place during the era when Southern Song, Jin, and Western Xia coexisted. As the seventh prince of Western Xia, Li Chunhong (Hong Qi) was not skilled in literature and martial arts, but was skilled in cooking and enjoyed delicious food. Sent by his father Emperor Li Renxiao to study Han ethnic culture in the Southern Song Dynasty, he was unexpectedly intercepted by the eldest prince Li Chunba on the way and lost his memory. He came with his life-saving benefactor, Miss Qingyan