This kung fu film is directed by Zhang Che and co written with Ni Kuang. The story tells of Yang Huyun (played by Sun Jian), the chief escort of the Huwei Escort Agency, who was entrusted by the government to transport 200000 taels of gold to the Yellow River Basin to account for the disaster. The martial arts heroes "Short Axe" Fang Shi (played by Jiang Sheng) and "Cold Moon Sword" Leng Feng (played by Pan Bingchang) all came to assist in the battle.
This kung fu film is directed by Zhang Che and co written with Ni Kuang. The story tells of Yang Huyun (played by Sun Jian), the chief escort of the Huwei Escort Agency, who was entrusted by the government to transport 200000 taels of gold to the Yellow River Basin to account for the disaster. The martial arts heroes "Short Axe" Fang Shi (played by Jiang Sheng) and "Cold Moon Sword" Leng Feng (played by Pan Bingchang) all came to assist in the battle.