Tei Shinko (played by Ryoko Shohara), who has an extraordinary sensitivity to money, is currently on parole as a former fraudster. After coming out, on the road, he met an old man named Kuriu Mixun (played by Yujin Jing Jian) who looked both wealthy and easy to deceive. He was about to make a big profit from him, but instead, he was spotted by an old man who was acting as a prosecutor, and was mistaken
Tei Shinko (played by Ryoko Shohara), who has an extraordinary sensitivity to money, is currently on parole as a former fraudster. After coming out, on the road, he met an old man named Kuriu Mixun (played by Yujin Jing Jian) who looked both wealthy and easy to deceive. He was about to make a big profit from him, but instead, he was spotted by an old man who was acting as a prosecutor, and was mistaken