In the late 1970s, Yang Shihong, who grew up in the countryside, fell in love with Niu Wang in the village. Later, the two families fell out due to dowry, and Niu Wang became a burden in the neighboring village. Yang Shihong married Wang Chang'an in order to get angry with him. At first, Shihong felt that Wang Chang'an was weak, but after a period of life, Yang Shihong gradually matured
In the late 1970s, Yang Shihong, who grew up in the countryside, fell in love with Niu Wang in the village. Later, the two families fell out due to dowry, and Niu Wang became a burden in the neighboring village. Yang Shihong married Wang Chang'an in order to get angry with him. At first, Shihong felt that Wang Chang'an was weak, but after a period of life, Yang Shihong gradually matured