Due to her parents, a high school girl named Yoshikawa Caixu (played by Fuhara Yao), who is still six months away from graduation, is forced to start a single life. She moved to the new apartment alone, but almost at the same time, another boy also moved in. The other party's name is Uwara Hisashi (played by Shiraishi Hayashi), and they are classmates at Meguroki High School where Cai Xu works
Due to her parents, a high school girl named Yoshikawa Caixu (played by Fuhara Yao), who is still six months away from graduation, is forced to start a single life. She moved to the new apartment alone, but almost at the same time, another boy also moved in. The other party's name is Uwara Hisashi (played by Shiraishi Hayashi), and they are classmates at Meguroki High School where Cai Xu works