The drama tells the story of a female protagonist who has been an unmarried mother for 14 years. In front of her, the best-selling novel writer Wu Dawu (played by Sun Haojun), the perfect but stingy "national boyfriend" actor Liu Zhen (played by Song Zonghao), the youthful and heart stirring sports teacher Wu Yanyu (played by Ju Zicheng), and the terrifying but sexy suddenly appear
The drama tells the story of a female protagonist who has been an unmarried mother for 14 years. In front of her, the best-selling novel writer Wu Dawu (played by Sun Haojun), the perfect but stingy "national boyfriend" actor Liu Zhen (played by Song Zonghao), the youthful and heart stirring sports teacher Wu Yanyu (played by Ju Zicheng), and the terrifying but sexy suddenly appear