The story of "The Seventh Rank Detective" tells the story of Zhao Mingjiu, a government official during the legitimate reign of Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty, who was not afraid of the powerful and impartially enforced the law, repeatedly solving strange cases. The entire film showcases the image of Zhao Mingjiu, who is highly skilled in martial arts, upright, intelligent, and loyal to his duties, through a series of seemingly scattered stories.
The story of "The Seventh Rank Detective" tells the story of Zhao Mingjiu, a government official during the legitimate reign of Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty, who was not afraid of the powerful and impartially enforced the law, repeatedly solving strange cases. The entire film showcases the image of Zhao Mingjiu, who is highly skilled in martial arts, upright, intelligent, and loyal to his duties, through a series of seemingly scattered stories.