At the beginning of a new semester at a certain university, freshmen An Lan (played by Yu Xintian) and Zhu Jing (played by Chen Meixing), who suffered a bad mood due to their failure in the Hong Kong University entrance exam, Zhu Jing's high school classmate Li Jiayu (played by Xu Apologies), who loves gossip, and the wealthy second-generation young lady Yang Panpan (played by Fu Man), who comes from a well-off family, live in the legendary 314 dormitory where they once died
At the beginning of a new semester at a certain university, freshmen An Lan (played by Yu Xintian) and Zhu Jing (played by Chen Meixing), who suffered a bad mood due to their failure in the Hong Kong University entrance exam, Zhu Jing's high school classmate Li Jiayu (played by Xu Apologies), who loves gossip, and the wealthy second-generation young lady Yang Panpan (played by Fu Man), who comes from a well-off family, live in the legendary 314 dormitory where they once died