The Numata family living in a high-end community has an enviable life, and their father, Yimao (played by Banwei Chuanglu), serves as the head of the human resources department of a large company; Mother Kadaiko (played by Bonami Suzuki) gently and thoughtfully manages everything in the family; The eldest son, Shinichi (played by Ryunosuke Kanmu), has excellent academic performance and is versatile in sports; Only in the present
The Numata family living in a high-end community has an enviable life, and their father, Yimao (played by Banwei Chuanglu), serves as the head of the human resources department of a large company; Mother Kadaiko (played by Bonami Suzuki) gently and thoughtfully manages everything in the family; The eldest son, Shinichi (played by Ryunosuke Kanmu), has excellent academic performance and is versatile in sports; Only in the present