Former (played by Shingo Kazuki) and judicial re examination candidate Taro (played by Chong Matsuoka), as well as Kokken (played by Hiroshi Kato), live in the former's house and live a single life. One day, a child named Fifty Lanming (played by Kentai Suga) who was sent to their house suddenly appeared and requested to be adopted by Uncle Zhengtai. The three of them
Former (played by Shingo Kazuki) and judicial re examination candidate Taro (played by Chong Matsuoka), as well as Kokken (played by Hiroshi Kato), live in the former's house and live a single life. One day, a child named Fifty Lanming (played by Kentai Suga) who was sent to their house suddenly appeared and requested to be adopted by Uncle Zhengtai. The three of them