This film tells the story of Wang Donglin (played by Wang Donglin), who has been laid off for eight years, standing out in a national imitation show program, and thus having the idea of ordinary people wanting to make movies. He gathers his colleagues Sun Erbao (played by Sun Dong), Zhang Li (played by Zhang Li), and others to embark on a dream chasing journey. After meeting director Zhao Meng (played by Cong Lin), the beautiful woman
This film tells the story of Wang Donglin (played by Wang Donglin), who has been laid off for eight years, standing out in a national imitation show program, and thus having the idea of ordinary people wanting to make movies. He gathers his colleagues Sun Erbao (played by Sun Dong), Zhang Li (played by Zhang Li), and others to embark on a dream chasing journey. After meeting director Zhao Meng (played by Cong Lin), the beautiful woman