The housewife Mizuzawa Masako (played by Kuroki Tong), who is over fifty years old, hides countless grievances in her heart. She has been married for more than twenty years and has been walking thin ice under the authority of her mother-in-law. Her husband Hiroshi (played by Junichi Ishida) has developed a romantic relationship with a subordinate in her workplace. After her mother-in-law passed away, Ma Zi's daughter-in-law endured for many years to become a mother-in-law, but just two years later, Shu
The housewife Mizuzawa Masako (played by Kuroki Tong), who is over fifty years old, hides countless grievances in her heart. She has been married for more than twenty years and has been walking thin ice under the authority of her mother-in-law. Her husband Hiroshi (played by Junichi Ishida) has developed a romantic relationship with a subordinate in her workplace. After her mother-in-law passed away, Ma Zi's daughter-in-law endured for many years to become a mother-in-law, but just two years later, Shu