This drama is adapted from the popular manga "JOJO's Wonderful Adventure" by Takahiko Araki, and is a spin off of the same name, "Ashikaga Nobunaga Staying Still." It tells the story of Ashikaga Nobunaga's ability to turn people into books and read their past experiences and thoughts through a stunt double, the "Gate of Heaven," where she can also write commands. The three episodes are about exploring the depth
This drama is adapted from the popular manga "JOJO's Wonderful Adventure" by Takahiko Araki, and is a spin off of the same name, "Ashikaga Nobunaga Staying Still." It tells the story of Ashikaga Nobunaga's ability to turn people into books and read their past experiences and thoughts through a stunt double, the "Gate of Heaven," where she can also write commands. The three episodes are about exploring the depth