The story tells of Zhang Xiaoye, the manager of Ono Law Firm, who helps people solve various troubles, and Lu Fei, a newly appointed newspaper journalist who is determined to use pen to punish evil and promote good. They are intertwined to fight against the dark forces due to a fraud and wealth organization. Lu Fei, a female journalist with a strong sense of social justice, went into a coma to save her from being deceived by a fraudulent organization
The story tells of Zhang Xiaoye, the manager of Ono Law Firm, who helps people solve various troubles, and Lu Fei, a newly appointed newspaper journalist who is determined to use pen to punish evil and promote good. They are intertwined to fight against the dark forces due to a fraud and wealth organization. Lu Fei, a female journalist with a strong sense of social justice, went into a coma to save her from being deceived by a fraudulent organization