Taken from the real events of the Department of Fine Arts at the Cultural University in 1994. The story tells of Ji Wei (played by Li Lingwei) participating in an art strike to fight for creative freedom. During the strike, Ji Wei met the couple A Guang (played by Zhang Luoti) and Wei Qing (played by Ye Chengui). But as the strike lasted for a month, the emotional entanglement among the three of them
Taken from the real events of the Department of Fine Arts at the Cultural University in 1994. The story tells of Ji Wei (played by Li Lingwei) participating in an art strike to fight for creative freedom. During the strike, Ji Wei met the couple A Guang (played by Zhang Luoti) and Wei Qing (played by Ye Chengui). But as the strike lasted for a month, the emotional entanglement among the three of them