The story tells of a senior high school girl named Jing Jing (played by Zhang Zimu) who lives in the small town of Songxi. During the process of independently creating a campus novel called "Goodbye, Seventeen Years Old", she transforms into the protagonists of three stories, Gong'an Na, Anqi, and Jing Jing, traveling through different times and spaces to meet different classmates. She has a timid academic powerhouse named Han
The story tells of a senior high school girl named Jing Jing (played by Zhang Zimu) who lives in the small town of Songxi. During the process of independently creating a campus novel called "Goodbye, Seventeen Years Old", she transforms into the protagonists of three stories, Gong'an Na, Anqi, and Jing Jing, traveling through different times and spaces to meet different classmates. She has a timid academic powerhouse named Han