This work is written by Yoshikawa and Hirohiko, who wrote the "Homemaker's Ta" script, and Daiichi Ohira, who is responsible for the work. A family teacher who has a 100% pass rate and is full of praises and mysteries, and who has a son named Tsuchiko Kane and a son named Tsuchiko Kane, has a problem of holding on to his/her annual salary. This is a list of "Child suppliers are looking for schools that are qualified!" いいいいいい
This work is written by Yoshikawa and Hirohiko, who wrote the "Homemaker's Ta" script, and Daiichi Ohira, who is responsible for the work. A family teacher who has a 100% pass rate and is full of praises and mysteries, and who has a son named Tsuchiko Kane and a son named Tsuchiko Kane, has a problem of holding on to his/her annual salary. This is a list of "Child suppliers are looking for schools that are qualified!" いいいいいい