Bai Yunfeng (played by Peng Yaqi), a domineering female bandit from Baisha Village, leads Chen Dawan (played by Ren Yu) and her brothers in an attempt to hijack the birthday outline given by the General of Cavalry to the Minister of Revenue. However, they steal the chicken but fail to erode the rice. They are caught by the General of Cavalry in a pot and taken to the General's Mansion. Just as they are about to be beheaded, they are mistakenly reconciled by the General of Cavalry, using a pseudonym
Bai Yunfeng (played by Peng Yaqi), a domineering female bandit from Baisha Village, leads Chen Dawan (played by Ren Yu) and her brothers in an attempt to hijack the birthday outline given by the General of Cavalry to the Minister of Revenue. However, they steal the chicken but fail to erode the rice. They are caught by the General of Cavalry in a pot and taken to the General's Mansion. Just as they are about to be beheaded, they are mistakenly reconciled by the General of Cavalry, using a pseudonym