At Harima, Musashi and his entourage met the large samurai regiment led by Ryunoshi Uesugi - the Uesugi Samurai Regiment. Their goal is to suppress the huge ghost and god "Artillery Battle Dragon Octopus Snake" that is entrenched on Awaji Island. There, there are also Takeda samurai regiments led by Takeda Shogo, samurai samurai Shimazu Akihiro and Niko Katsuki, who are of the same age as Musashi, as well as some others
At Harima, Musashi and his entourage met the large samurai regiment led by Ryunoshi Uesugi - the Uesugi Samurai Regiment. Their goal is to suppress the huge ghost and god "Artillery Battle Dragon Octopus Snake" that is entrenched on Awaji Island. There, there are also Takeda samurai regiments led by Takeda Shogo, samurai samurai Shimazu Akihiro and Niko Katsuki, who are of the same age as Musashi, as well as some others