This film is adapted from the classic novel "Love in a Fallen City" by Chinese legendary female writer Eileen Chang. It tells the story of the love story between the female protagonist Bai Liusu (played by Chen Shu) and the male protagonist Fan Liuyuan (played by Huang Jue) that took place in old Shanghai, China in the 1930s, amidst the flames of war. The ancestors of the Bai family, who had a declining family background, were once extremely prosperous
This film is adapted from the classic novel "Love in a Fallen City" by Chinese legendary female writer Eileen Chang. It tells the story of the love story between the female protagonist Bai Liusu (played by Chen Shu) and the male protagonist Fan Liuyuan (played by Huang Jue) that took place in old Shanghai, China in the 1930s, amidst the flames of war. The ancestors of the Bai family, who had a declining family background, were once extremely prosperous