In response to a series of corporate executive disappearances, the police have established a special reconnaissance team led by Kim Young cheol (played by Kim Ying soo), which includes a genius tongued police officer with an IQ of up to 150, Lee Chun hek (played by Lee Shun zai), and a clean and narcissistic man named Han Won bin (played by Bian Xi feng) who can see through women's psychology at a glance
In response to a series of corporate executive disappearances, the police have established a special reconnaissance team led by Kim Young cheol (played by Kim Ying soo), which includes a genius tongued police officer with an IQ of up to 150, Lee Chun hek (played by Lee Shun zai), and a clean and narcissistic man named Han Won bin (played by Bian Xi feng) who can see through women's psychology at a glance