"The Good Wife" is known as the sister chapter of "The Temptation to Go Home". The beautiful and virtuous housewife Han Dayun, a beverage company, and her husband Zhao Boxuan (played by Bao Jianfeng), who has billions of assets, were originally very sweet after marriage and live a happy life without worries about food and clothing. But because Dayun only gave birth to one daughter, Zhao Xiaojuan (played by Chai Wei)
"The Good Wife" is known as the sister chapter of "The Temptation to Go Home". The beautiful and virtuous housewife Han Dayun, a beverage company, and her husband Zhao Boxuan (played by Bao Jianfeng), who has billions of assets, were originally very sweet after marriage and live a happy life without worries about food and clothing. But because Dayun only gave birth to one daughter, Zhao Xiaojuan (played by Chai Wei)