"Eating on a Lost Journey" is the first original light comedy food reality show in China jointly produced by Zhejiang TV, Hengdun Media, and Zhenledao Culture, with a total of 12 episodes. The five regular guests of the program are Xu Zheng, Song Xiaobao, Yin Zheng, Yi Yi, and Guo Qilin. The program focuses on Xu Zheng, with food as the main clue, and is organized by Dingjia
"Eating on a Lost Journey" is the first original light comedy food reality show in China jointly produced by Zhejiang TV, Hengdun Media, and Zhenledao Culture, with a total of 12 episodes. The five regular guests of the program are Xu Zheng, Song Xiaobao, Yin Zheng, Yi Yi, and Guo Qilin. The program focuses on Xu Zheng, with food as the main clue, and is organized by Dingjia