During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, a young man named Hu Fei avenged his father and ventured into a perilous world. From a reckless and reckless young man, he grew into a generation of great heroes who cared for the people and served the country and the people. On the road of seeking revenge, Hu Fei offended the bully Feng Tiannan for fighting against injustice, and had a relationship with Feng Tiannan's daughter, Yuan Ziyi, a female hero of the Tianshan Sect
During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, a young man named Hu Fei avenged his father and ventured into a perilous world. From a reckless and reckless young man, he grew into a generation of great heroes who cared for the people and served the country and the people. On the road of seeking revenge, Hu Fei offended the bully Feng Tiannan for fighting against injustice, and had a relationship with Feng Tiannan's daughter, Yuan Ziyi, a female hero of the Tianshan Sect