The film tells the story of Ah Liang (played by Xia Zhiyuan), the eldest disciple of the "useless firewood" in the Wulong Academy, who is determined to become a great exorcist. By chance, he meets Sha Keyang (played by Zhao Wenhao) and Ai Fei (played by Yu Li), and the three of them are ordered to send the Demon Slaying Sword to the Lock Demon Tower to seal the Demon King. Along the way, they have a fantastic story of joyful and amusing demon slaying
The film tells the story of Ah Liang (played by Xia Zhiyuan), the eldest disciple of the "useless firewood" in the Wulong Academy, who is determined to become a great exorcist. By chance, he meets Sha Keyang (played by Zhao Wenhao) and Ai Fei (played by Yu Li), and the three of them are ordered to send the Demon Slaying Sword to the Lock Demon Tower to seal the Demon King. Along the way, they have a fantastic story of joyful and amusing demon slaying