The story begins fifteen years ago when the drug lord Zuohu sent people to pursue and kill the drug dealer Mei Yi. Young Lin Lang and Lin Feng witnessed their mother, Aunt Mei, being killed with their own eyes. In order to avoid the pursuit of the assassin, Lin Lang sacrificed himself to attract the assassin, but there was no news. From then on, the two brothers embarked on different life paths, one as an anti drug police officer and the other as a major drug lord
The story begins fifteen years ago when the drug lord Zuohu sent people to pursue and kill the drug dealer Mei Yi. Young Lin Lang and Lin Feng witnessed their mother, Aunt Mei, being killed with their own eyes. In order to avoid the pursuit of the assassin, Lin Lang sacrificed himself to attract the assassin, but there was no news. From then on, the two brothers embarked on different life paths, one as an anti drug police officer and the other as a major drug lord