During her teenage years, Quan Yuli is expected to star in the Korean drama "Kidnappers - Stealing Fate" (tentative translation), challenging historical costume dramas for the first time. On the 26th, SM Entertainment, a subsidiary of Quan Yuli, stated in an interview with Korean media that "Quan Yuli has received a proposal to star in the Korean drama" Kidnapper - Stealing Fate "and is currently actively discussing it."
During her teenage years, Quan Yuli is expected to star in the Korean drama "Kidnappers - Stealing Fate" (tentative translation), challenging historical costume dramas for the first time. On the 26th, SM Entertainment, a subsidiary of Quan Yuli, stated in an interview with Korean media that "Quan Yuli has received a proposal to star in the Korean drama" Kidnapper - Stealing Fate "and is currently actively discussing it."