A slightly chubby girl named Yoshino Sasaki (played by Yoshino Ohara) fell in love at first sight with the son of a large pastry company called Fujizaki, Fujizaki Zai (played by Keijo Inuki), during a company briefing during her college career. In order to meet again, she lost 50kg and later successfully worked for Fujizaki Company. At this moment, she learned that Zai
A slightly chubby girl named Yoshino Sasaki (played by Yoshino Ohara) fell in love at first sight with the son of a large pastry company called Fujizaki, Fujizaki Zai (played by Keijo Inuki), during a company briefing during her college career. In order to meet again, she lost 50kg and later successfully worked for Fujizaki Company. At this moment, she learned that Zai