Fukuhara Yumiko (played by Kuroki Tong), female, 48 years old, graduated from a national university, is a full-time housewife. Having received an elite education that prioritizes academic qualifications since childhood, I take pride in living in the middle class and have extreme contempt for low educated and impoverished groups. However, this super confident mother, Sang, had to endure the impact of real society and life on her
Fukuhara Yumiko (played by Kuroki Tong), female, 48 years old, graduated from a national university, is a full-time housewife. Having received an elite education that prioritizes academic qualifications since childhood, I take pride in living in the middle class and have extreme contempt for low educated and impoverished groups. However, this super confident mother, Sang, had to endure the impact of real society and life on her