The young screenwriter Yin Yali Ying (played by Zhang Ruixi), who became famous overnight, transforms into a "goddess of revenge" and secretly seeks revenge on her biological father. It turns out that many years ago, her biological father abandoned his pregnant wife and young Ari Ying for the sake of actress Shen Xiuzhen (played by Han Huishu) and started a new family. Yali Ying's life has become a step forward
The young screenwriter Yin Yali Ying (played by Zhang Ruixi), who became famous overnight, transforms into a "goddess of revenge" and secretly seeks revenge on her biological father. It turns out that many years ago, her biological father abandoned his pregnant wife and young Ari Ying for the sake of actress Shen Xiuzhen (played by Han Huishu) and started a new family. Yali Ying's life has become a step forward