In 2015, in Hong Kong, Huang Di Mei (played by Chen Kailin), a straightforward and righteous female police officer, aspired to join the police force from a young age to eliminate violence and ensure peace. Her sister is transferred back to her hometown Changzhou to arrest the thief Bowie (Chen Zhanpeng). Unexpectedly, Bowie hid in Cheung Chau and pretended to be a painter lurking beside her younger sister. machine
In 2015, in Hong Kong, Huang Di Mei (played by Chen Kailin), a straightforward and righteous female police officer, aspired to join the police force from a young age to eliminate violence and ensure peace. Her sister is transferred back to her hometown Changzhou to arrest the thief Bowie (Chen Zhanpeng). Unexpectedly, Bowie hid in Cheung Chau and pretended to be a painter lurking beside her younger sister. machine