The beautiful woman Cheko (played by Eisha Nakari) once had an unforgettable emotional experience. Many years ago, she married her childhood sweetheart, Ichiko Teriyama (played by Genji Hoshino). However, shortly after their marriage, Ichiko passed away due to a serious illness. Afterwards, Cheko did not return to his mother's house, but instead went to work with his father-in-law, Lien Taro(
The beautiful woman Cheko (played by Eisha Nakari) once had an unforgettable emotional experience. Many years ago, she married her childhood sweetheart, Ichiko Teriyama (played by Genji Hoshino). However, shortly after their marriage, Ichiko passed away due to a serious illness. Afterwards, Cheko did not return to his mother's house, but instead went to work with his father-in-law, Lien Taro(