In the depths of darkness, whether it be her eyes or soul, lies the young girl Ayako Eagle Garden (played by Ryoko Hiromasa) who inherits her father's vast inheritance; Shinjuku Kabuki cho's ace cowherd, Shiratori Lingzhi (played by Toshiro Watanabe), spends his days talking about love, but he is the one who doesn't believe in love the most. Due to an accident, Lingzhi was burdened with a huge debt and the defendant
In the depths of darkness, whether it be her eyes or soul, lies the young girl Ayako Eagle Garden (played by Ryoko Hiromasa) who inherits her father's vast inheritance; Shinjuku Kabuki cho's ace cowherd, Shiratori Lingzhi (played by Toshiro Watanabe), spends his days talking about love, but he is the one who doesn't believe in love the most. Due to an accident, Lingzhi was burdened with a huge debt and the defendant